Mobile Ordering
  • Getting Started
    Getting Started

    ​Norwood Campus based associates will recieve an auto generated email from mmHayes prompting you to set your password for your My QuickCharge account.

    After you verify your account you can start placing your orders online at or through the My QuickCharge App on your mobile device.

    Downloading and Logging into the My QuickCharge App

    1. Search "My QuickCharge" in your app store and install
    2. Enter Access Code: Moderna656
    3. Use your login credentials after setting up your account

  • Desktop Ordering
    Desktop Ordering

    Placing your order from your computer has never been easier.

    1. Go to
    2. Login using the crednetials you established in the sign up process
    3. Use Access Code: Moderna656

  • Lunch Delivery
    Lunch Delivery

    Lunch delivery is available to designated pick up locations in North Building, East Building, and Mod 1. 

    To have your lunch delivered to one of the buildings listed above

    1. Your order must be placed by 10 am
    2. After you select your items choose your pick-up location
    3. Go to your selected pick up location at 12 pm to pick up your order and enjoy!